Thursday, April 30, 2009

Funny Convos at Atlantapalooza

Me: I have to find Sheree.
Cheech: From Housewives of Atlanta?
Me: Yes.
Cheech: Come on man....She's probably in a studio apt smaller than yours back in Shaker. Man she's broke.
Me: What do you mean she's broke?
Cheech: Well maybe she's not broke. But she didn't get any money from that guy.
Me: She didn't get ANY money?
Cheech: Well like if me and you were to get married and divorced to each other right now....that's what she got.


nUDY... aTYPICAL said...

did u catch up with Linc when u was in ATL?

6S said...

nope. We texted a little but never linked up