Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Secrets to 6S

Kind of a corny title, I know but's the first thing that came to mind.

One thing I always talk about it the people that I surround myself with. Everyone provides a different perspective and adds value in their own way. One key thing I learned is IT IS BETTER TO KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING WRONG THAN TO KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING RIGHT. For that reason, I keep very cynical people in my circle....quick to point out the wack, the lame, the corny, and the cliche'. In fact, one of my closest friends hates pretty much everything. When I go to bounce ideas off of these people, if they don't immediately tell me how bad it sucks, I know it must be a pretty decent idea.

1 comment:

someangrylightskinguywhofoundyourblog said...

this post could have been better