The site will cover everything from politics to business to sports to relationships. There will also be a section for moderated debate.
Stay tuned.
Food For Yo' Sole
The site will cover everything from politics to business to sports to relationships. There will also be a section for moderated debate.
Stay tuned.
Today I went to the Cleveland Museum of History with my parents. There was this exhibit called RACE that was pretty dope. If you're in the Greater Cleveland area, you should check it out.
I don't remember what this was for but it was a pretty nice sketch.
So basically we're all black.... and my President is too :-)
These shirts describe how the U.S. Census would categorize these people in the given year.
Everybody move to the back of the bus.
"Race doesn't divide us. People do." Church.
American Pimp - Best Movie of All Time - I don't care what you say, there is no better piece of cinematic footage ever captured. It's really a documentary... but that's what makes it great. It's real accounts from real life pimps. I don't even really watch movies but I know this entire movie line for line. I'm pretty sure you can watch it in parts on youtube or you can read up on it via wiki.
R.P. is by far the most entertaining pimp. Gorgeous Dre was actually on myspace at one point... I wonder if he'll ever join Twitter??? On yeah, I decided that when I finally get my dog, I'm going to name him Rosebudd (with 2 Ds for a double dose of this pimpin').
*Disclaimer: This is based on a true story. Names have been changed to protect the innocent... and the guilty*
Its greasy. The cheese was like the cheese sauce from Mr Hero. It tastes like cleaning chemicals. This was an awful experience.
I think this was during the first break when they play the goofy games with the fans.
I finally got my scarf today. So I threw it on for the game.
What can I say.... I got a good life man.
The Back Story
Everyone knows that Chicago is my favorite city (and if you didn't know before now you do). Actually, the plan was the move there after graduation. So my senior year I interviewed with a couple of companies in Chicago. As part of the final round to these interviews, I had to fly out to Chicago and go through a battery of interviews at headquarters.
It's mid-October 2006. I'm just touched down at O'Hare. I'm at baggage claim trying to locate my bag and find my driver all at the same time. Out of nowhere, this man starts talking to me.... he's pretty friendly... asks me why I'm in town... tells me he works in hospitality and event planning... he's pretty well dressed... he gives me his business card and tells me to contact him. (If you're wondering why he wants me to contact him, your guess is as good as mine. But hey, it can't hurt right.)
So that night I get to my hotel and send him an email........ and never got a response.
Back to the Future
*Beyonce' Knowles will always be referred to as "Big Homie" or simply "Yonce".