American Pimp - Best Movie of All Time - I don't care what you say, there is no better piece of cinematic footage ever captured. It's really a documentary... but that's what makes it great. It's real accounts from real life pimps. I don't even really watch movies but I know this entire movie line for line. I'm pretty sure you can watch it in parts on youtube or you can read up on it via wiki.

R.P. is by far the most entertaining pimp. Gorgeous Dre was actually on myspace at one point... I wonder if he'll ever join Twitter??? On yeah, I decided that when I finally get my dog, I'm going to name him Rosebudd (with 2 Ds for a double dose of this pimpin').
thats pimpin pimpin"lol" haha
had to type cause i've never sd that statement in real life!
The one dude said "That's these perpetrator pimps. See I'm a real live 100% pimp. I'll pimp on a b!tch in chilly cold blood"
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