Sunday, December 14, 2008

What More Can I Say?

I've started writing this post a couple of times in an attempt to find the right words to say exactly what I want to say in the exact way I want to say it......

I'm frustrated. Dumb frustrated. Over the past couple of months, I've put in a lot of work. Lost a lot of sleep. Lost a few relationships. Gained a few fans. Earned a lot of respect. It's all a part of the game I chose to play. Frustration is expected. But in my case my frustrations are more internal than external.

Externally... as far as reception from the general population and industry heads... the response has been positive.... better than I had imagined it would be at this point. To everybody that supported "Never Matching" and "Everybody Knows Me", all I can say is THANK YOU. The tracks have been on mixtapes and blogsites across the country.

Internally... within the team... things haven't been the best. There's really not much I can say about the events and happenings surrounding the situation...Family business is family business.

All I can say is that my heart isn't in it. I haven't written anything or been to the studio in weeks..... and that hasn't really bothered me. In the future I may feel differently. But right this moment............

"Let's see what happens when I no longer exist..... F*ck This"

**This probably would've been the next song we put out. **

1 comment:

Mirrorlove said...

trust me A..i know about that shit..I deal w that shit everyday..and i think about that shit all the time! and that why I LOVE SEEING MY COMPANY WIN..we dont win all the time..but
I CAN LIVE AND DIE W THE DECISION THAT IAM PICK...keep up the good work homey..your def a star in my eyes!